Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cluttered Gutters? Caretaker Services is Your Myrtle Beach Gutter Cleaner!

Gutters look like this?  Give Caretaker Services a call for Professional Gutter Cleaning!
 So, you took the car down to the car wash... you hired Merry Maids to clean inside your home... got Duraclean to clean your carpet, and you finished the last of the laundry pile.  Done, right?  Well, you may have missed those cluttered gutters!  Never fear...Caretaker Services is here!  Sometimes you just don't think to look up, but hiding inside those gutters are leaves, and debris, which if not removed, can damage your home, cause water to build up or not flow properly, cause weeds to grow in the gutters (yes, we have actually seen this!), and can cause the eventual collapse of your gutters.  Right now, gutter cleaning in Myrtle Beach and surrounding areas is keeping us quite busy.  As the weather cools down, more leaves and debris will fall, and you may find your gutters need cleaning, too.  Looking at the weather channel, it looks like we are in for a wet and windy season ahead, so best to get those gutters free of debris.  Have you ever noticed "tiger stripes" on your gutters?  That is from oxidized paint that traps dirt and grime on your gutters.  So for interior and exterior gutter cleaning services of Myrtle Beach, call the professionals at Caretaker Services, LLC. 


  1. Well, you may have missed Gutters Tampa those cluttered gutters! Never fear...Caretaker Services is here!

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